2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results
This webpage summarizes insights on youth mental health concerns, recommendations, and bright spots from the 2023 national Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Highlights include findings on sexual violence, unfair discipline, absenteeism due to safety concerns, the impact of social media usage, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and the experiences of students of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds and LGBTQIA students.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Racial/ethnic subgroups; LGBTQIA students
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Embedding Equity Into Disaster Preparedness Efforts in Child Welfare
This fact sheet presents strategies for reducing disparities in disaster
preparedness and response efforts to support the welfare of children, youth, and families of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs
; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children’s Bureau
Estimated Engagement Time: 9 minutes
Helping Teens Cope After a Natural Disaster
This webpage offers resources that parents, educators, and others who work with youth and young adults can use to support the mental health and well-being of students who have been impacted by a natural disaster.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Natural Disaster Resources
This webpage provides a list of Federal agency and federally funded technical assistance center resources for education agencies that have been impacted by natural disasters.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Raising the Bar Across America: State by State Fact Sheets
This webpage hosts a series of fact sheets detailing Federal investments in education in each of the 50 states as part of the U.S. Department of Education’s Raise the Bar initiative, which aims to 1) accelerate academic achievement and excellence; 2) boldly improve learning conditions; 3) create pathways for global engagement; and 4) increase college affordability, quality, and completion.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Lead-Free Communities Toolkit: Resources to Support Communities on the Road to Lead Hazard Elimination
This toolkit provides education and community leaders with information on the prevalence and risks of lead exposure, the goals of the Lead-Free Communities initiative, and a customizable roadmap for developing a local Lead-Free Communities action plan.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Empowering Education Leaders: A Toolkit for Safe, Ethical, and Equitable Artificial Intelligence Integration
This toolkit provides guidance for the effective adoption and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in teaching and learning and presents an overview of Federal laws and considerations that are essential to ensuring that all educational applications of AI are implemented in a manner that protects civil rights, advances digital equity, and safeguards data privacy and security.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 51 minutes
National Partnership for Student Success Celebration and RAND Corporation Release Event
This video provides a recording of a White House event celebrating the National Partnership for Student Success and findings from a report from the Johns Hopkins University Everyone Graduates Center on the progress that has been made toward increasing the number of adults supporting student learning and well-being through tutoring, mentoring, coaching, wraparound services, and postsecondary transition coaching.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: The White House
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 45 minutes
Multilingualism Digital Badge Program
This webpage provides information on the Multilingualism Digital Badge Program, which awards badges to those who display a strong commitment to uplifting multilingualism through regular participation in professional development webinars hosted by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Youth Hate Crimes and Identity-Based Bullying Prevention Curriculum
This webpage provides access to a curriculum and supplemental resources designed to support schools in reducing youth hate crimes and identity-based bullying by building shared awareness, training school staff on their roles and resources in addressing these issues, and helping middle and high school students develop healthy attitudes and behaviors.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Federal Communications Commission and U.S. Department of Education Cybersecurity Resource Guide
This fact sheet outlines Federal recommendations regarding the most common cybersecurity risks, effective solutions, and low or no-cost resources available to support K-12 schools, school districts, and libraries in strengthening their cybersecurity posture.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Federal Communications Commission; U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 3 minutes
IDEA Part C: Early Learning and Early Childhood
This webpage provides information and resources on Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which focuses on supporting the development of infants and toddlers with disabilities.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
English Learner Family Toolkit Tip Sheets
This webpage provides tip sheets to supplement each of the six chapters of the English Learner Family Toolkit. These tip sheets contain chapter overviews, information on family and student rights, and questions families can ask their students’ school.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Estudiantes de dos idiomas en educación y cuidado infantil
This fact sheet presents information comparing the quality of access to early child care and early childhood education options between dual language learner households and English language households.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 3 minutes
Beneficios del multilingüismo
This infographic highlights the cognitive, educational, economic, and sociocultural benefits of multilingualism.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 3 minutes
Elevar las expectativas: Primeros en el mundo
This resource highlights the goal of providing a pathway to multilingualism for all students within the U.S. Department of Education’s Raise the Bar initiative and outlines three keys to elevating English learners and multilingualism.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 minute
English Learners Who Are Black
This fact sheet summarizes research highlighting the diversity of English learner students who identify as Black.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
State Seal of Biliteracy
This fact sheet highlights the benefit of state seal of biliteracy awards and provides information on the implementation and requirements of award programs across various states. This resources also offers strategies for leveraging dual language programs and increasing award attainment.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 8 minutes
Supporting Educational Environments Free From Discrimination: A Resource Collection for Elementary and Secondary Schools
This resource list provides a selection of guidance documents and resources designed to support K-12 schools in understanding and meeting their obligations under existing civil rights statutes and regulations.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Children and students with disabilities; English learners; Racial/ethnic subgroups; LGBTQIA students; Student parents; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 29 minutes
Joint Dear Colleague Letter on Early Hearing Detection and Intervention and Part C Programs
This Dear Colleague Letter summarizes the U.S. Department of Education's joint efforts with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to increase collaboration between Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part C early intervention programs and state-level Early Hearing Detecting and Intervention programs.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 10 minutes
Accessible Public Schools
This video describes important accessibility features that schools should consider, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act, to ensure that students with disabilities can fully access and participate in education activities.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section
Estimated Engagement Time: 23 minutes
K-12 Education: How States Identify English Learners, Including Those With Disabilities
This resource provides information on the processes that states and school districts use to identify English learners and ensure that English learners are accurately screened for disabilities.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Children and students with disabilities; English learners
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Government Accountability Office
Estimated Engagement Time: 20 minutes
Start a Conversation: 10 Questions Teens Ask About Drugs and Health
This webpage provides answers to common questions about drugs and health that can support conversations with young people about the risks of substance use.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse
Estimated Engagement Time: 12 minutes
Red Ribbon Week
This webpage provides educators, families, and communities with resources for participating in Red Ribbon Week, an awareness campaign that encourages young people to commit to a healthy, drug-free life.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Growing Up Drug Free: A Parent's Guide to Substance Use Prevention
This resource provides parents and families with information to help raise children who understand the risks of substance use. Topics include an overview of substance use among children, common substances, risk factors, age-appropriate conversation strategies, and recommendations for steps to take if a child is showing signs of substance use.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 35 minutes
Getting Real About Developmental Relationships: The Roots of Student Success and Resilience
This webinar highlights strategies based on the Search Institute’s “Framework for Developing Relationships” for creating relationship-rich educational spaces that support student mental health and well-being and build trust and connections with families and other stakeholders.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 21 minutes
Growing Youth Voice, Engagement, and Leadership Through Service-Learning
This webinar highlights the benefits of integrating service-learning into youth initiatives for increasing engagement, amplifying youth voices, nurturing young leaders, fostering collaboration, and instilling a sense of agency in addressing community issues.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 20 minutes
Creating Space for Black Girls to R.E.I.G.N. in Out-of-School Time
This webinar highlights REIGN Inc.’s out-of-school time programming as an example of how to implement evidence-based strategies to support positive social identity formation, academic skills development, and social and emotional wellness for Black girls in urban communities.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 18 minutes
Funding the Future: Strategies for Sustaining High-Quality OST Programs
This webinar explores practical strategies for sustaining programs and initiatives that have been created and expanded with Federal COVID-19 relief funds. Topics include navigating Federal funding streams, leveraging state and local resources, and employing non-funding strategies to sustain programs after initial allocations end.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 15 minutes
Attendance Solutions Network Webinar Series
This series of four webinars supports school districts with building positive and supportive school climates and strategic partnerships to improve student attendance and engagement.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: National Partnership for Student Success
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
This website offers resources related to suicide prevention, including training opportunities and an online library with best practices and recommendations for supporting mental health and preventing suicide.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention Federal Action Plan
This guidance document offers school administrators, community partners, and mental health professionals collaborative, priority actions to protect against youth suicide. The actions align with the goals presented in the 2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 57 minutes
2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention
This resource outlines the need for awareness, cross-sector support, and targeted strategies to prevent suicide and mental health concerns. Leaders and staff across all instructional levels can use the actionable recommendations in this resource to support staff and student mental health and prevent suicide.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 hours and 35 minutes
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
This 24/7 lifeline offers free, nonjudgmental counseling and support for individuals experiencing mental health crises. Individuals can use this lifeline to receive support for a variety of mental health challenges.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; Vibrant Emotional Health
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Family Engagement to Support College and Career Pathway Success
This resource provides family engagement resources, best practices, and implementation examples for supporting student access to flexible college and career pathways.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Implementation Stories; Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education; Carnegie Corporation of New York; Overdeck Family Foundation
Estimated Engagement Time: 6 minutes
Community Based Organization Playbook: Unlocking Career Success
This resource provides strategies that afterschool, summer learning, and other community-based organizations and programs can use to develop community partnerships, expand career pathway ecosystems, and lead system innovation to improve student access to high-quality careers.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 8 minutes
CTE Momentum: Power Your Future Challenge
This webpage provides information on how to participate in the U.S. Department of Education’s “Power Your Future Challenge” — the second challenge in its annual Career Technical Education Momentum series to prepare high school students for rewarding careers and increase access to career and technical education.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Tip Sheet: State Leaders Ensure Equitable Out-of-School Time Opportunities for English Learning & Multilingual Learners
This resource outlines steps that state leaders can take to implement policies, programs, procedures, and practices that prioritize providing every student with a pathway to multilingualism while ensuring equitable access to high-quality education for English learners and multilingual learners.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Engage Every Student
Estimated Engagement Time: 3 minutes
Family Engagement to Support Student Mental Health and Well-Being
This resource provides family engagement resources, best practices, and implementation examples for supporting student mental health and well-being at home and at school.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Implementation Stories; Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education; Carnegie Corporation of New York; Overdeck Family Foundation
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
Afterschool in Native American and Tribal Communities: Perspectives, Programs and Practices
This webinar explores the perspectives of Native American families on afterschool programs, including community needs, barriers to participation, and potential areas of growth to help the afterschool field reach more Native American youth.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources; Lessons Learned
Organization: Engage Every Student
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 16 minutes
Youth Voice and Choice
This webinar shares strategies for gathering insight and perspectives from youth in the development and design of afterschool and summer learning programs.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Engage Every Student
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Student and Family Playbook: Unlocking Career Success
This resource highlights steps that students and their families can take to leverage existing opportunities in high school and postsecondary education to achieve career success in an evolving workforce.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 17 minutes
How School Districts and Programs Are Leveraging ESSER Funds to Support Afterschool and Summer Learning
This webinar provides an overview of the ways in which school districts have been using Federal COVID relief funds to support afterschool and summer enrichment programs. Presenters highlight opportunities for building partnerships and maximizing remaining funds to ensure the continuation of these programs.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Engage Every Student
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 17 minutes
Family Engagement to Support Student Engagement and Attendance
This resource provides family engagement resources and best practices for raising the bar on student engagement and attendance and highlights examples of successful implementation.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Implementation Stories; Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education; Carnegie Corporation of New York; Overdeck Family Foundation
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
SchoolSafety.gov Back-to-School Campaign
This toolkit highlights resources to help K-12 schools create and sustain safe and supportive learning environments for students and educators. Resources include a list of key school safety actions, a communications toolkit, infographics, and ready-to-use social media posts and graphics.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Federal School Safety Clearinghouse
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Summary of Listening Sessions With Trans, Nonbinary, and Affirming Students and Educators in Honor of Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) 2024
In March 2024, the U.S. Department of Education hosted listening sessions with trans, nonbinary, and affirming students and educators in honor of Transgender Day of Visibility 2024. These listening sessions culminated in this resource, which shares resources aligned with Federal guidelines and feedback gathered from participants on how schools and school districts can ensure that LGBTQI+ students and educators feel safe, valued, and included at school.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn ; LGBTQIA students
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources; Lessons Learned
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 10 minutes
Free to Learn: Leading Inclusive Learning Environments in Higher Education
This guide provides leaders in higher education with resources for fostering safe and inclusive campus environments, including tools for crisis response and management, strategies for supporting individual and community resilience and recovery, and information on the civil rights obligations of institutions of higher education.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Colleges and Universities
; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 17 minutes
College Scorecard Educator and Advisor Resources
This webpage hosts a pair of College Scorecard toolkits for educators and college access advisors, including classroom instructional materials that equip students to use the College Scorecard to make informed choices about their college and career options and a professional development training on using this tool in college advising activities.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Outdoor Play and Safety for Children in Early Childhood Education
This webpage highlights the benefits of outdoor play for healthy child development and shares ways that families and early childhood providers can reduce children’s risk of illness or injury while playing outdoors.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Summary and Trends Report: 2013–2023
This report provides data on trends in the health behaviors, experiences, and well-being of high school students in the United States over a 10-year period. Focus areas include trends in sexual behavior, substance use, experiences of violence, mental health, and social media use.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 18 minutes
Race, Color, and National Origin Discrimination
This webpage provides resources related to Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 including laws, issues, case resolutions, frequently asked questions, and more.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; English learners; Free to Learn; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Fact Sheet: Preventing Racial Discrimination in Special Education
This fact sheet provides guidance on addressing the Title VI prohibition against discrimination on the basis of race/color/national origin in the administration of special education services in public schools.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Children and students with disabilities; Free to Learn; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 3 minutes
Using Data Effectively to Drive Equitable Improvements in Postsecondary Student Success: A Playbook
This resource highlights data- and evidence-based practices that higher education leaders can use to leverage data to improve equitable student outcomes. Strategies include building capacity for and a culture of data-driven improvement, using the most insightful metrics available, conducting targeted analyses, and using data to inform and evaluate ongoing efforts to remove barriers to student success.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Colleges and Universities
; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 23 minutes
Preventing Spread of Infections in K-12 Schools
This webpage provides guidance for K-12 school leaders on preventing and mitigating the spread of infectious diseases at school.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Section 504 Protections for Students With Cancer
This fact sheet informs K-12 and higher education communities about the legal rights of students with cancer under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
Section 504 Protections for Students With Epilepsy
This fact sheet informs K-12 and higher education communities about the legal rights of students with epilepsy under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
Section 504 Protections for Students With Sickle Cell Disease
This fact sheet informs K-12 and higher education communities about the legal rights of students with sickle cell disease under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
Supporting Equal Opportunity in School Athletic Programs: A Resource for Students and Families
This fact sheet describes how Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities, including athletic programs, that receive Federal funds. The resource provides examples of situations that could constitute Title IX concerns and actions to take if someone thinks that a school is failing to provide equal opportunity under Title IX in its athletic program.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
Designing for Education With Artificial Intelligence: An Essential Guide for Developers
This resource, designed for education technology teams, provides guidance for establishing safety, security, and trust while creating artificial intelligence products and services for use in education.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 6 minutes
Prepare With Pedro
This webpage hosts a disaster preparedness program created by the American Red Cross for kindergarten and elementary school students including activity books, games, and storybooks.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
This webpage for schools identifies practices for creating a safe environment for LGBTQI+ youth and how to file a complaint if a student believes they have faced discrimination at school based on sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity; because they do not conform to sex stereotypes; or for another reason.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn; LGBTQIA students
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
Confronting Anti-LGBTQI+ Harassment in Schools: A Resource for Students and Families
This fact sheet for schools provides examples of the kinds of incidents the Educational Opportunities Section of the Civil Rights Division at the U.S. Department of Justice and the Office of Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education can investigate as well as actions to take if a student has been treated unfairly because of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn; LGBTQIA students
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division; U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
FACT SHEET: U.S. Department of Education's 2024 Title IX Final Rule Overview
This fact sheet for schools provides an overview of the updated Title IX regulations, which strengthens vital protections for students and provides clear rules to help schools meet their Title IX obligation to eliminate sex discrimination in their education programs and activities.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn; LGBTQIA students
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 8 minutes
Unlocking Pathways State Policy Heat Map
This interactive map provides information on state policies aligned to the focus areas of the Raise the Bar: Unlocking Career Success Initiative, including dual enrollment, work-based learning, workforce credentials, and career advising and navigation.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources; State or Local Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Supporting Intersex Students
This fact sheet for students, families, and educators provides resources to support intersex students.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn; LGBTQIA students
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 minutes
Q&A Resource on Student-Led Groups to Support LGBTQI+ Students and Allies
This fact sheet for schools and school districts provides information about the rights students have to form and participate in Gender and Sexuality Alliances (GSAs) and other similar groups.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn; LGBTQIA students
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos: Apoyar a los jóvenes y familias LGBTQI+ en la escuela
This Spanish-language fact sheet for schools and school districts provides examples of policies and practices that can be developed to support LGBTQI+ students and families.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn; LGBTQIA students
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 9 minutes
U.S. Department of Education: Supporting LGBTQI+ Youth and Families in School
This fact sheet for schools and school districts provides examples of policies and practices that can be developed to support LGBTQI+ students and families.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn; LGBTQIA students
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 8 minutes
Report on the Condition of Education 2024
This annual report from the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences offers a comprehensive review of the national education landscape, from early childhood through postsecondary education. The report also shares key indicators on labor force outcomes and provides international comparisons.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 27 minutes
School Connectedness Helps Students Thrive
This webpage highlights the benefits of a sense of belonging for students’ physical and mental health and provides additional resources for taking action to promote school connectedness.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 3 minutes
What Can Schools Do?
This webpage highlights ways that schools can promote a sense of belonging among students, including evidence-based classroom management strategies, LGBTQ+ inclusive practices, and positive youth development programs.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn; LGBTQIA students
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Safe and Supportive Environments
This webpage provides information for schools on strategies for fostering healthy learning environments that support students in their social and emotional development.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Enhance Connectedness Among Students, Staff, and Families
This webpage provides school leaders with strategies, equity focus areas, and implementation tips to help build a sense of belonging among all members of the school community.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Dear Colleague Letter: Protecting Students From Discrimination
This letter provides leaders in education with concrete examples of unlawful discrimination under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics, including discrimination against students and school community members who are or are perceived to be Jewish, Israeli, Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, Hindu, or Palestinian.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 40 minutes
Responding to Bullying
This webpage outlines steps that adults can take to keep students safe by responding quickly and consistently to bullying behavior.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 3 minutes
How to Prevent Bullying
This webpage provides guidance on the roles that parents, school staff, and other caring adults can play in preventing bullying in schools.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
Medicaid School-Based Services Technical Assistance Center
This webpage explains how the Medicaid Technical Assistance Center supports state Medicaid agencies, state and local education agencies, and school-based entities in expanding their capacity to assist students through Medicaid.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 3 minutes
Delivering Services in School-Based Settings: A Comprehensive Guide to Medicaid Services and Administrative Claiming
This guide for state and local education agencies provides an overview of the scope, implementation, and financing of providing school-based health care services to students, especially those enrolled in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 hours and 12 minutes
Medicaid Funding for School-Based Services
This fact sheet summarizes the benefits of Medicaid funding for school-based services and shares steps for states to expand these services to all Medicaid-enrolled students (not just those who receive services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act).
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
FACT SHEET: Improving Access and Care for Youth Mental Health and Substance Use Conditions
This fact sheet shares resources and Federal efforts to strengthen and improve access to mental health and substance use programs. These efforts include increasing school-based behavioral health supports with Federal funding.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: The White House
Estimated Engagement Time: 13 minutes
White House Toolkit for Sustainable and Healthy Schools
This toolkit highlights Federal opportunities and resources that can be used to improve the health, safety, and sustainability of K-12 facilities. This resource provides state and local education agencies with an overview of relevant Federal funding opportunities, programs, and resources available to build safe and healthy school environments.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: The White House
Estimated Engagement Time: 23 minutes
Teacher Quality Partnership Program
This webpage provides an overview of the Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) program — a Federal grant designed to address educator shortages and improve student outcomes by strengthening the quality of educator training programs and recruiting highly qualified individuals to the field. This resource includes information on TQP grant awards, eligibility, application, funding, and related legislation.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Policy Statement: Inclusion of Children With Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs
This joint policy statement of the U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services outlines the rights of young children with disabilities regarding access to high-quality, inclusive early childhood programs. This document includes a policy overview, foundations for inclusive programming, opportunities for improvement, goals for creating a nationwide culture of inclusion, recommendations for state and local efforts, and supporting resources.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 52 minutes
Supporting Student Attendance and Engagement
This website provides information about chronic absenteeism as well as Federal funding sources and technical assistance center resources for supporting regular student attendance.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Sustaining Efforts to Boost Regular Student Attendance
This fact sheet provides a list of Federal funding sources that schools and school districts can use to increase student attendance and combat chronic absenteeism, as well as a suite of associated technical assistance resources.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 3 minutes
LGBTQI+ Students Online: 10 Questions to Promote Digital Health, Safety, and Citizenship
This resource provides information and a series of guiding questions to help schools consider whether their policies and climate provide a safe and supportive learning environment that supports the digital health, safety, and citizenship of LGBTQI+ students.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn; LGBTQIA students
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
Guidance on State General Supervision Responsibilities Under Parts B and C of the IDEA
This policy document provides state and local education agencies and early intervention service providers with guidance in fulfilling their responsibilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Parts B and C to ensure that children with disabilities, ages 3 through 21, receive a Free Appropriate Public Education.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs; Colleges and Universities
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 17 minutes
Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics
This website explains how Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) affords protection to students from discrimination or harassment based on actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics. The webpage also provides links to U.S. Department of Education policy guidance and resources regarding these Title VI protections.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Race, Color, or National Origin Discrimination: Frequently Asked Questions
The webpage offers answers to frequently asked questions about Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, addressing Federal protections for students from discrimination and harassment based on race, color, or national origin.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; Free to Learn; Racial/ethnic subgroups; English learners
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Leading Inclusive Learning Environments During the War in the Middle East: K-12 Schools
In this webinar, hosted by the U.S. Department of Education, presenters discuss laws, resources, and strategies to ensure that students of all backgrounds and ethnicities can learn in a safe, inclusive environment.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 55 minutes
Leading Inclusive Learning Environments During the War in the Middle East: Colleges and Universities
This webinar, hosted by the U.S. Department of Education, provides institutions of higher education with laws, resources, and strategies to ensure that students of all backgrounds and ethnicities can learn in a safe, inclusive environment.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Colleges and Universities
; Free to Learn; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 56 minutes
Guía de principios para la creación de entornos escolares seguros,
inclusivos, justos, y de apoyo
This Spanish-language guide shares five guiding principles that support an inclusive and positive learning environment and offers potential actions that schools and school districts can take to foster these environments. The guide also lists Federal resources that support schools and districts in ensuring a positive school climate.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 57 minutes
Fact Sheet: Protecting Students From Discrimination Based on Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics
This fact sheet outlines the protections afforded by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for students who are or are perceived to be Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist, or of another religious group.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; Free to Learn; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 3 minutes
Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Takes Landmark Step to Counter Antisemitism
This webpage clarifies that Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits antisemitic, Islamophobic, and other related forms of discrimination in Federally funded activities. The webpage also shares the coordinated actions taken by the Biden-Harris administration to address a rise of antisemitism in the United States, including efforts by the U.S. Department of Education.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; Free to Learn; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: The White House
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
Dear Colleague Letter on Shared Ancestry
This letter reminds schools and institutions of higher education of their legal responsibility to provide all students with learning environments that are free from discrimination based on race, color, or national origin under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; Free to Learn; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
Combating Discrimination Against Jewish Students
This fact sheet offers educators and leaders at state and local education agencies examples of action or inaction by school officials in addressing instances of discrimination against Jewish students that could violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 3 minutes
Family Engagement and Transition to Kindergarten
This webpage provides education practitioners with a collection of resources and videos to support effective family engagement during the transition to kindergarten.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Dear Colleague Letter: Mixed Delivery Preschool
This letter encourages states, schools, and school districts to implement a mixed delivery approach to preschool programs by leveraging the joint capacities of school and community-based early education providers and various funding opportunities.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools ; Early Childhood Programs
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 8 minutes
Vaccines for Children Program (VFC) Information for Parents
This resource offers parents, guardians, and caregivers with information on the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program, including eligibility criteria, a list of covered vaccines, and VFC provider locations. This resource is available in both English and Spanish.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Dear Colleague Letter on Addressing Chronic Absenteeism
This letter shares key actions for states to promote regular school attendance and reduce chronic absenteeism.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
School Pulse Panel: Responses to the Pandemic and Efforts Toward Recovery
This interactive webpage shares monthly data reflecting aspects of the U.S. education system. The data provided span topics such as college and career readiness, learning recovery, school safety, social and emotional well-being, staff shortages, and more.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Profile of Students With Disabilities in U.S. Public Schools During the 2020-21 School Year
This fact sheet provides information and statistics from the 2020-21 school year regarding student enrollment, course-taking, school climate, bullying, and disciplinary actions involving students with disabilities.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Innovative Spotlight; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
Assistive Technology Devices and Services for Children With Disabilities Under the IDEA
This guidance (available in English and Spanish) shares myths and facts about assistive technology (AT) devices and services for students with disabilities and explains the AT requirements outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Family Engagement Learning Series Briefs
This series of briefs outlines a six-part webinar series produced by the U.S. Department of Education in partnership with Carnegie Corporation of New York and Overdeck Family Foundation. The briefs share research, implementation examples, resources, and key strategies for how family engagement supports student success from kindergarten through postsecondary and career trajectories.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Toolkit for the Promotion of Voter Participation for Students
This toolkit supports schools in encouraging the civic engagement of all students and expanding youth voter participation. It provides recommendations, resources, and implementation examples from schools and institutions of higher education that have facilitated youth voting and civic learning.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 15 minutes
Dear Colleague Letter: Early School Success
This letter encourages states, schools, and school districts to utilize Federal funding to expand preschool access and improve the quality of preschool programs.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
Serving Preschool Children Through Title 1, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as Amended: Non-Regulatory Guidance
This guidance document helps states, schools, and school districts understand how to use funds under Title 1, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. After defining Title 1 terms, exploring who is eligible to participate in a Title 1 program, and considering teacher and paraprofessional qualifications, the document outlines parent and family engagement, the transition from preschool to kindergarten, and the use and coordination of funds.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 52 minutes
Raising the Bar for English Learners: Tips and Resources to Create Robust Pathways to Multilingualism
This fact sheet shares resources for ensuring equitable education access for English learners as a part of U.S. Department of Education’s goal of providing every student with a pathway to multilingualism. Topics include family engagement, early learning opportunities, equitable dual language programs, and the removal of barriers to Seal of Biliteracy acquisition.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
K-12 School Security Guide Product Suite
This suite of products provides K-12 schools and school districts with tools and strategies to improve physical security. The suite includes a guide with best practices, an assessment tool, and an accompanying virtual training series.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Improving School Safety Through Bystander Reporting: A Toolkit for Strengthening K-12 Reporting Programs
This toolkit offers five strategies to help schools and school districts strengthen their reporting systems to improve school safety—encourage bystander reporting, make reporting safe and accessible, follow up on reports, make reporting a part of school life, and create a positive school climate. The toolkit also provides checklists and self-assessments to help schools implement the strategies contained within the toolkit.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Partnering to Safeguard K-12 Organizations From Cybersecurity Threats
This report synthesizes research on the current landscape of cyber threats facing K-12 schools and provides recommendations and strategies to help school leaders improve their cybersecurity posture and reinforce a culture of cybersecurity in their schools.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Money Smart for Young People
This webpage provides educators and caregivers with four free, age-differentiated curricula designed for teaching PreK-12 students the foundations of financial literacy. Each curriculum includes educator guides, student handouts, PowerPoint slides, real-life exercises, and standards alignment charts, as well as suggestions for modifications, cross-curricular integrations, and supplemental learning materials. This resource is available in English and Spanish languages.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Find Financial Literacy Activities
This website provides educators, parents, and guardians with financial literacy activities that they can use to teach and nurture financial capability in young people. Topics explored include increasing earnings, paying taxes, investing, saving for college, saving for long-term goals, banking options, building emergency savings, and more. There are ten activities available in Spanish; to find them, type "Spanish" into the search bar on the page.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Binary Code at Home Activities
This website, hosted by NASA, introduces students to binary code by providing information and interactive activities.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Engaging Nonprofits on Collaborating Through College Partnership Webinar
This webinar for nonprofit leaders describes how nonprofit organizations can collaborate with colleges and universities to increase the number of college students serving in National Partnership for Student Success roles through partnership programs such as Federal Work Study.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: National Partnership for Student Success
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour
Collaborating to Accelerate Progress Towards Digital Equity Webinar
This webinar, hosted by the National Partnership for Student Success (NPSS) Hub Digital Equity Working Group, convenes multi-sector leaders to discuss how the NPSS can extend digital equity efforts underway nationally, thereby contributing to success for all students.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: National Partnership for Student Success
Estimated Engagement Time: 55 minutes
Building Educator Pipelines Through Service
This fact sheet outlines how the National Partnership for Student Success is strengthening educator pipelines and shares examples of how other organizations across the United States are developing partnerships to strengthen and diversify the educator workforce.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: National Partnership for Student Success
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
District Partnership Toolkit
This resource for district leaders offers guidance for developing partnerships to increase the number of tutors, mentors, coaches, student support coordinators, and postsecondary transition coaches in schools supporting students. The toolkit also shares information on how districts can leverage the National Partnership for Student Success to assist in these efforts.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: National Partnership for Student Success
Estimated Engagement Time: 6 minutes
Key Steps in Creating a State Partnership for Student Success
This resource shares five detailed steps, each with actionable strategies, for creating a statewide partnership to help students recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: National Partnership for Student Success
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
The Nation at Work: Increasing People-Powered and Evidence-Based Student Supports
This resource for K-12 and higher education administrators, educators, and staff shares implementation stories detailing how highlighted states are providing critical student support services such as tutoring, mentoring, and coaching.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Implementation Stories; Federal Resources
Organization: National Partnership for Student Success
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 minutes
Addressing Lost Instructional Time: Accelerating Learning and Thriving
This resource describes the need for schools to prioritize learning acceleration to combat lost learning time and describes the role that the National Partnership for Student Success (NPSS) can play in these efforts. The resource outlines the five key NPSS roles that employees and volunteers can fill that have been shown by research to support students' academic recovery and well-being.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: National Partnership for Student Success
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 minutes
A Call to Action for Closing the Digital Access, Design, and Use Divides: 2024 National Educational Technology Plan
This policy document articulates a vision of equity and calls on all involved in education to ensure every student engages in transformational learning opportunities enabled by technology. The resource and the companion interactive map provide examples of schools, districts, classrooms, and states establishing systemic solutions to bridge the three divides–the digital use divide, the digital design divide and the digital access divide–that stand as the barriers to the equitable and effective use of technology.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
; Racial/ethnic subgroups; Students from low-income backgrounds
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 hours and 46 minutes
Raise the Bar: Pathways to Multilingualism
This webpage provides an overview of the U.S. Department of Education’s first goal within the Raise the Bar initiative’s focus on creating pathways for global engagement: to provide every student with a pathway to multilingualism and so opening doors for students to more job opportunities in today’s global society.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
Raise the Bar: Boldly Improve Learning Conditions: Eliminate Educator Shortages at Every School
This webpage provides an overview of the U.S. Department of Education’s first goal within the Raise the Bar initiative’s focus on boldly improving learning conditions: to eliminate the educator shortage for every school by ensuring that schools are appropriately staffed, paying educators competitively, and strengthening pathways into the profession.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 minute
Raise the Bar: Unlocking Career Success
This webpage provides an overview of Unlocking Career Success, a U.S. Department of Education initiative with the goal of ensuring every student has a path to postsecondary education and training. This can be achieved through a system of college and career pathways that integrate high schools, colleges, employers, and communities and lead to students earning industry-recognized credentials and securing in-demand jobs.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Raise the Bar: Boldly Improve Learning Conditions: Mental Health and Wellbeing
This webpage provides an overview of the U.S. Department of Education’s second goal within the Raise the Bar initiative’s focus on boldly improving learning conditions: to invest in every student's mental health and well-being by increasing school-based health services for students and building schools that support students' overall well-being.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
Raise the Bar: Achieve Academic Excellence: Comprehensive and Rigorous Education
This webpage provides an overview of the U.S. Department of Education’s second goal within the Raise the Bar initiative’s focus on achieving academic excellence: to ensure all students have access to a comprehensive and rigorous education with high-quality instruction that prepares them to be active, engaged, and lifelong learners.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 6 minutes
Theory of Change for Coordination and Individualization of Family Support Services in Head Start Programs
This brief presents a theory of change for Head Start's comprehensive family support services. By coordinating both child and family support services, Head Start helps promote low-income families' safety, health, well-being, and economic security.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs
; Students from low-income backgrounds
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 20 minutes
Myths and Facts Surrounding Assistive Technology Devices and Services
This resource supports parents, service providers, special and general educators, school and district administrators, technology specialists, and other related personnel at the state- and local-level in understanding the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act's (IDEA) assistive technology requirements. The resource dispels common misconceptions regarding assistive technology and provides examples of assistive technology use with children with disabilities to highlight IDEA's Part C and Part B requirements.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 34 minutes
Raise the Bar: Supporting Pathways to Multilingualism Beginning With Early Learning - Part 1 (Podcast)
This podcast episode explores the importance of early language development and the research-based benefits of multilingualism. The podcast features presenters Montserrat Garibay, Assistant Deputy Secretary and Director of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), and Melissa Castillo, Senior Advisor at OELA.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 32 minutes
Key Resources for Schools & Districts to Increase Capacity in Student Support Roles
This fact sheet outlines opportunities and resources from the National Partnership for Student Success for schools and districts looking to increase capacity in student support roles to accelerate learning, reduce chronic absenteeism, and improve student well-being and mental health.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: National Partnership for Student Success
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Improving Student Achievement Agenda in 2024
This webpage outlines the Biden-Harris Administration's 2024 strategy for boosting student academic performance. The agenda emphasizes that schools across the country adopt the following evidence-based strategies: increasing student attendance, providing high-dosage tutoring, and increasing summer learning and extended or afterschool learning time opportunities.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: The White House
Estimated Engagement Time: 13 minutes
Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being in Schools: An Action Guide for School and District Leaders
This webpage summarizes and shares a guide which provides evidence-based strategies to promote and support students’ mental health and well-being. Each strategy includes implementation tips and equity considerations, and the guide concludes with additional examples of promising practices currently building an evidence base.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 1 minute
2023 SchoolSafety.gov Resource Package
This series of fact sheets for schools and school districts provides information, recommendations, and resources on a range of topics related to school safety, including bullying, cybersecurity, child exploitation, mental health, targeted violence and threat assessment, and emergency planning.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Schoolsafety.gov
Estimated Engagement Time: 36 minutes
Strategies for Increasing Diversity and Opportunity in Higher Education
This report shares strategies that institutions can adopt to promote greater access to educational opportunities for underserved students. In some areas, selective institutions could glean insights from leading under-resourced institutions, such as community colleges, regional colleges, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and Minority Serving Institutions. Additionally, there are examples of more selective and well-resourced institutions that have undertaken promising efforts to increase diversity on their campuses.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Colleges and Universities
; Students from low-income backgrounds
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of the Under Secretary
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 hours
Scaling the Teacher Pipeline and Career Pathways Through Registered Apprenticeship Webinar
This webinar spotlights the role of Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) in addressing teacher shortages and building the teacher pipeline. Presenters describe the key principles and benefits of high-quality RAPs and the steps that state leaders can take to develop a RAP for educators.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Labor; U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 1 minute
This website provides comprehensive, up-to-date information on COVID-19 and COVID-19-related topics. It includes current data, risk factors, prevention and protection strategies, treatment, vaccines, and information on Long COVID.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV)
This website provides comprehensive information on RSV transmission, prevention, symptoms, and care. It includes links to fact sheets, healthcare resources, and information for at-risk groups.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Influenza (Flu)
This website shares comprehensive, up-to-date information on influenza (flu). It provides current and past flu season statistics, reports on flu vaccination coverage, information on groups who are at higher risk of flu, and links to additional health resources.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Protect Yourself From COVID-19, Flu, and RSV
This website provides weekly updates, statistics, resources, and tips for preventing and protecting against COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Raise the Bar: Resources for Parents and Families
This webpage provides a list of questions for parents, guardians, and family members to use to communicate and collaborate with schools regarding their child’s education. It also offers a list of additional educational resources for families.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Raise the Bar: Lead the World Overview Booklet
This guide outlines the U.S. Department of Education’s “Raise the Bar: Lead the World” agenda, established to transform education through evidence-based practices. The guide explores the agenda’s key focus areas (achieving academic excellence, boldly improving learning conditions, creating pathways for global engagement, and increasing college affordability and completion) through summaries and key strategies.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 17 minutes
English Learner Family Toolkit
This toolkit provides families of English learners with information, tips, and resources that help answer common questions about U.S. public schools. The toolkit is designed to help families of English learners navigate the U.S. public school system and support their child in obtaining a high-quality education.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 12 minutes
Chronic Absenteeism and Disrupted Learning Require an All-Hands-on-Deck Approach
This webpage shares data and research on chronic absenteeism in K-12 schools, including the impacts of chronic absenteeism after the COVID-19 pandemic. The webpage shares examples of effective attendance interventions and explains how an “all-hands-on-deck” approach is needed to improve student attendance and engagement in the context of COVID-19 pandemic recovery.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: The White House
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Newcomer Toolkit
This toolkit provides resources, professional learning activities, research-based strategies, and guidance that supports state, local, and school leaders in effectively serving immigrant and refugee students.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 hours and 43 minutes
Dear Colleague Letter to Chief State School Officers – Maximizing ARP Funding for Homeless Children and Youth
This Dear Colleague Letter provides information on allowable activities under section 723(d) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and shares strategies for investing dedicated funding of the American Rescue Plan to activities that improve attendance and reduce chronic absenteeism for children and youth experiencing homelessness.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Students experiencing homelessness
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
Dear Colleague Letter to Chief State School Officers – Newcomers
This Dear Colleague Letter shares background information on Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982), the legal framework, which protects the equal right to public elementary and secondary education regardless of citizenship status. The letter also shares Federal resources and describes relevant Federal programs, policies, and funding opportunities.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 10 minutes
Resources for Caregiving Veteran Families Toolkit
This toolkit offers resources and strategies to assist educators in supporting military-connected students who provide caregiving to a Veteran parent. The toolkit offers resources for educators, parents, and family members that focus on the academic, nonacademic, and mental health needs of children living in military households, particularly Veteran caregiving households.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Military connected students
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Race and School Programming
This Dear Colleague Letter clarifies guidance and offers examples to support schools and school districts in understanding and complying with legal obligations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Racial/ethnic subgroups; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 37 minutes
Dear Colleague Letter on General Supervision Responsibilities
This letter provides guidance for states on ensuring that all students with disabilities have access to a free, appropriate public education. The letter provides states with accessible and actionable information for establishing general supervision responsibilities and early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
ApprenticeshipUSA: Education
This webpage provides resources, webinars, and information on Teacher Registered Apprenticeship Programs, including their role in addressing educator shortages, and creating education career pathways for students.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Labor
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Discipline Discussions: Preparing Future Educators to Proactively, Positively Address Behavior
This blog post provides statistics regarding educator shortages, as well as efforts that the U.S. Department of Education has implemented to address these shortages. The blog also highlights the role of educator preparation programs in training educators to meet the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students with disabilities.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Community Schools: Fostering Innovation and Transformation
This blog post explores the community school model and provides examples of research that supports the positive impacts of the community schools model, implementation stories, and information about current funding opportunities for community schools.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces Actions to Promote Educational Opportunity and Diversity in Colleges and Universities
This fact sheet outlines President Biden’s actions to support increasing diversity in higher education and expanding access to postsecondary opportunities. Measures taken by the Biden-Harris Administration include information dissemination, convening a national summit, increasing transparency in reporting, and fixing the student loan system.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Colleges and Universities
; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: The White House
Estimated Engagement Time: 6 minutes
Stay Up to Date With COVID-19 Vaccines
This webpage provides guidance on staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccines for children, teens, and adults.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools; Early Childhood Programs; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Educators of English Learners: Availability, Projected Need, and Teacher Preparation
This fact sheet shares data about educators who support English learners (EL educators), including diversity among EL educators, their qualifications and training, and the projected need for EL educators in upcoming years, and offers resources for further learning.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
High School Graduation Rates for English Learners
This fact sheet presents national and state-level data on the graduation rates of English learners and trends in the graduation rates of English learners over time.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
Ensuring Meaningful Participation in Advanced Coursework and Specialized Programs for Students Who Are English Learners
This fact sheet presents data on the low representation of English learners in specialized educational programs and services, offers resources for learning more about improving access to high-quality educational experiences for English learners, and includes examples of situations that could constitute discrimination against English learners under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
Protecting Access to Education for Unaccompanied Children: A Resource for Families and Educators
This fact sheet outlines barriers that unaccompanied children may face when trying to access the educational services to which they are entitled and provides actions for families and school staff to take when an unaccompanied child is being denied access to school enrollment, educational programs, or necessary language services.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division; U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 3 minutes
Protecting Access to Education for Migratory Children: A Resource for Families and Educators
This fact sheet describes challenges that migratory children may face in accessing education and offers actions for families and school staff to take in instances where migratory children are being denied the educational services to which they are entitled.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division; U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Protect LGBTQI+ Communities
This fact sheet shares recent Federal agency actions that support and protect LGBTQIA+ communities, including LGBTQIA+ students and youth.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; LGBTQIA students; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: The White House
Estimated Engagement Time: 8 minutes
Integrated Education and Training (IET) in Corrections: A Companion Guide to the IET Design Toolkit
This toolkit is a supplement to the Integrated Education and Training Design Toolkit (IET Design Toolkit). The guide applies the Reentry Education Framework to the IET Design Toolkit and shares information, guidance, and resources on integrated education and training programs in the correctional setting.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Integrated Education and Training Design Toolkit and Train-the-Trainer Resources
This toolkit details a four-phased, team-based framework for developing integrated education and training (IET) programs. The toolkit is intended to assist state and local education agency staff in planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating effective IET programs.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 hours and 25 minutes
Report on the Condition of Education 2023
This annual report from the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences offers a comprehensive review of the national education landscape, from early childhood through postsecondary education, during the coronavirus pandemic. The report also shares key indicators on labor force outcomes and provides international comparisons.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 40 minutes
Discipline Discussions: Suspension, Expulsion and Informal Removals: Unexpected Realities in Preschool
Authored by Valerie Williams, the Director of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), this blog presents data on the impact of exclusionary discipline on preschool students as well as data on the disproportionate frequency of exclusionary discipline on students of color and students with disabilities. The post provides resources and includes a Q&A session with three OSEP technical assistance centers.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Racial/ethnic subgroups; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
Joint Dear Colleague Letter From the Department of Justice and the Department of Education
This Dear Colleague letter shares details from the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education on ongoing Federal efforts to address barriers that prevent people with disabilities from participating in online educational services, programs, and systems at their institutions of higher education. The letter also provides information on applicable Federal laws, past enforcement actions, and where to find relevant Federal guidance and trainings.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Colleges and Universities
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division; U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 8 minutes
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning
This report offers information on artificial intelligence (AI) and its application in education; shares guiding questions and foundational strategies for establishing ethical, equitable policies for integrating AI into education systems; and provides recommendations for aligning AI with education policy objectives.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 hours and 2 minutes
Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Actions to Protect Youth Mental Health, Safety & Privacy Online
This fact sheet shares information on trends in youth mental health in the United States and describes the recent actions taken by the Biden-Harris Administration to support youth mental health. These actions include large-scale efforts undertaken by the U.S. Departments of Education, Commerce, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: The White House
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
Dear Colleague Letter: Antisemitism
This Dear Colleague letter shares information on Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) and describes its mandate to provide all students, including Jewish students, a learning environment free from discrimination. The letter provides guidance for schools on responding to harassment and a hostile environment, offers relevant resources, and shares actions that the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights may pursue when evaluating if a school has met its obligations under Title VI.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; Racial/ethnic subgroup; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 6 minutes
The U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism
This report details the Federal government’s comprehensive national strategy to counter antisemitism in the United States. The report describes the current landscape and recent rise of antisemitism and shares the Federal government’s four pillar approach to countering antisemitism and keeping Jewish communities safe.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; Racial/ethnic subgroups; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: The White House
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 34 minutes
U.S. Department of Education Toolkit: Creating Inclusive and Nondiscriminatory School Environments for LGBTQI+ Students
This toolkit offers policies and strategies that schools and school districts can implement to create supportive, nondiscriminatory environments for LGBTQI+ students and families; examples of Federal resources that can be leveraged to implement the strategies listed; and supplemental resources to help readers access additional research and best practices.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn; LGBTQIA students
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 22 minutes
The State of School Diversity in the United States
This resource reviews the history of segregation and desegregation in U.S. schools, provides data on resource inequities and the current state of school diversity, shares information on the benefits of school diversity, and explores Federal programs that can help school districts improve diversity.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development
Estimated Engagement Time: 32 minutes
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System
This Web page shares information about the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) — a set of annual surveys administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on high school students’ health-related behaviors. Visitors can access YRBSS reports and explore YRBSS data at national, state, and local levels.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Fact Sheet: Diversity & Inclusion Activities Under Title VI
This fact sheet describes how most diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training, programs, and activities are consistent with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI). The fact sheet describes types of DEI training and activities that are not prohibited under Title VI and explains how these activities can and have been implemented to create a positive and inclusive school climate.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
White House Toolkit on Transgender Equality
This toolkit’s first section describes challenges that many transgender students face at schools and institutions of higher education, offers examples of policies and practices that create safe and supportive learning environments for transgender students, and provides details on how the U.S. Department of Education supports transgender students who experience discrimination.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; LGBTQIA students; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: The White House
Estimated Engagement Time: 18 minutes
At-Home Over-the-Counter COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests
This webpage offers information about at-home, over-the-counter COVID-19 diagnostic tests and provides a comprehensive list of tests that have been authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, with details about each type of test to help individuals decide which one to use when needed.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Estimated Engagement Time: 17 minutes
Raise the Bar: Create Pathways for Global Engagement 'Unlocking Career Success'
This resource describes the U.S. Department of Education’s “Unlocking Career Success” initiative to strengthen college and career pathways for high school students. The resource offers four key strategies that will advance this initiative and calls upon education and workforce stakeholders to join in these efforts to advance students’ postsecondary success.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices, Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 minutes
Resource on Confronting Racial Discrimination in Student Discipline
This resource details investigations that the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Justice have conducted of discriminatory student discipline policies and practices. The resource describes how each investigation was resolved and the steps the educational agencies under investigation committed to take following each case, which can be used as proactive suggestions for other educational agencies working to eliminate discriminatory discipline policies and practices.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights; U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
Estimated Engagement Time: 41 minutes
ApprenticeshipUSA: Educators
This webpage offers guidance and resources designed to support middle and high schools and institutions of higher education in developing, improving, and supporting registered apprenticeships. The webpage also shares information on starting a registered apprenticeship program, connecting with employers, and creating opportunities for applied learning.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Labor
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act: Topic Areas
This webpage hosts information and resources from the U.S. Department of Education, other Federal agencies, and federally funded technical assistance centers related to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Understanding Flexible Rural Career Pathways
This resource explores career pathways for students in rural areas, including factors that contribute to successful programs, challenges in rural education, and promising current interventions.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices, Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 28 minutes
Beyond the Box 2023
This guide provides recommendations and resources to colleges and universities for mitigating barriers to postsecondary education for currently and formerly incarcerated individuals.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices, Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 12 minutes
Second Chances: Education and Justice Involved Students
This blog article describes the U.S. Department of Education's priorities and efforts to provide high-quality education and training to justice-involved individuals, including those who are incarcerated.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 6 minutes
4 Ways to Flex Your Leadership From the Classroom
This blog article offers four tips on how educators can pursue leadership opportunities while maintaining their classroom roles.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Innovative Spotlight, Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
COVID-19: Testing for COVID-19
This website provides a comprehensive overview of COVID-19 testing, including information about the different types of tests, how to know which test to use, how to get a test, and how to interpret test results.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices, Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 8 minutes
COVID-19: How to Protect Yourself and Others
This webpage offers a wealth of information to help individuals protect themselves, their families, and their communities against COVID-19. The page provides strategies for preventing COVID-19 and outlines situations in which these strategies may be especially helpful.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices, Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 8 minutes
CDC Healthy Schools
This webpage shares facts about school-aged children’s health and outlines the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s approach to partnering with schools to promote students’ physical and mental health and well-being.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices, Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child
This website describes the purpose and components of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, and shares information on how schools and families can use the WSCC model to support and improve short- and long-term student health.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices, Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
Green Strides School Sustainability Resource Hub
This website features free tools, trainings, and guidance for making schools and school districts healthy, safe, and environmentally sustainable. All resources are aligned with the pillars of the U.S. Department of Education’s Green Ribbon Schools recognition award.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices, Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Effective Literacy Instruction for Multilingual Learners: What It Is and What It Looks Like – Part 2
This podcast, the second in a two-part series, discusses literacy development in bilingual settings and shares strategies for providing effective literacy instruction for multilingual learners. The podcast also features a Q&A session featuring Dr. Ana DeGenna, Associate Superintendent of Educational Services at Oxnard School District.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices, Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 18 minutes
Effective Literacy Instruction for Multilingual Learners: What It Is and What It Looks Like – Part 1
This podcast, the first in a two-part series, discusses key understandings about literacy development for multilingual learners and offers information about effective literacy instruction for students who are multilingual. The podcast also features a Q&A session with experts from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of English Acquisition, Sobrato Early Academic Language, and Seidlitz Education.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices, Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 25 minutes
Co-Regulation in Human Services
This website offers a wealth of resources on co-regulation, including videos, fact sheets, and research. These resources are designed to support practitioners (including school-based staff) in understanding the importance of co-regulation for helping children and youth develop strong self-regulation skills.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices, Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation
Estimated Engagement Time: 14 minutes
Mental Health Resources for K-12 Schools
This infographic offers strategies and resources that educators, school staff, and school districts can implement to support the mental health and well-being of K-12 students. Strategy recommendations include family engagement, mental health literacy, positive school climates, and trauma-sensitive approaches.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices, Federal Resources
Organization: Federal School Safety Clearinghouse
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
Guiding Principles for Creating Safe, Inclusive, Supportive, and Fair School Climates
This guide shares five guiding principles that support an inclusive and positive learning environment and offers potential actions that schools and districts can take to foster these environments. The guide also lists Federal resources that support schools and districts in ensuring a positive school climate.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices, Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 41 minutes
Confined or Incarcerated Student Fact Sheet
This fact sheet shares recent policy changes in the accessibility of Federal Pell Grants for incarcerated students participating in the Prison Education Program. The fact sheet also provides general information for confined or incarcerated students on the Federal Pell Grant, eligibility for the grant, and how to access and enroll in the Prison Education Program.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 3 minutes
Capitalizing on the Moment: How Local Education Leaders Can Contribute to State Digital Equity Planning Efforts
This blog post offers a brief description of funding released in support of the development of state-level digital equity plans and provides links that share opportunities to engage in digital equity plan development in each state. The blog post also includes topics for local education leaders to consider as they engage in the planning process.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices, Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
What is the Best Practices Clearinghouse?
Watch this video to learn about the U.S. Department of Education's Best Practices Clearinghouse, where education stakeholders can access a wealth of resources and training opportunities to navigate a successful recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Best Practices Clearinghouse
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
Sexual Violence on Campus: Strategies for Prevention
This resource outlines the five components of the CDC’s framework for campus sexual violence prevention — comprehensive prevention, infrastructure, audience, partnerships and sustainability, and evaluation. The integration of all five components offers an opportunity to implement prevention efforts that have a greater impact on the prevention and reduction of sexual violence on college and university campuses.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Colleges and Universities
; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 31 minutes
CDC’s Connecting the Dots: Understanding the Overlap Between Multiple Forms of Violence
This website provides information and tools for exploring the overlaps between multiple forms of violence and outlines efforts for collaborative prevention. The website includes an introduction to the links between multiple forms of violence, as well as opportunities for identifying shared risk and protective factors across multiple forms of violence and learning how others are using a shared risk and protective factor approach to prevent violence.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
CDC’s Select, Adapt, Evaluate: How to Use Essential Elements to Inform Violence Prevention Approaches
This website shares evidence-based approaches to violence prevention and describes how to effectively select, deliver, adapt, and evaluate violence prevention approaches to meet the unique needs of different communities.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
CDC’s Dating Matters Comprehensive Teen Dating Violence Prevention Model Implementation Toolkit
Dating Matters® is a CDC-developed teen dating violence prevention model that uses evidence-based approaches to teach 11- to 14-year-olds healthy relationship skills before they start dating. This website includes everything needed to implement the model, including trainings, guidance, program materials, and other resources.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Violence Prevention Capacity Assessment Tool
This online tool is designed to assess an organization’s capacity to implement violence prevention programs, including those aimed at preventing sexual violence, intimate partner violence, youth violence, teen dating violence, or child abuse and neglect.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 20 minutes
VetoViolence Resources for Violence Prevention: Social Norms
This webpage defines social norms, describes the social norms approach to public health and violence prevention, and shares steps for creating and implementing a social norms campaign to prevent violence.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 6 minutes
CDC Violence Indicators Guide and Database: Measuring Your Work to Help Prevent Violence
This Web page provides an interactive guide and database, allowing violence-prevention stakeholders to explore indicators to assist with evaluation and progress monitoring of violence-prevention efforts. The website shares information on what indicators are, why they’re important, and how to select specific indicators, as well as shares a database of indicators for users to explore and identify those that best fit their program’s needs and goals.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Violence Prevention in Practice: Implementation Guidance for CDC's Technical Packages
This website is designed to help stakeholders who have a role in planning, implementing, and evaluating violence prevention efforts with selecting and implementing the strategies presented in the CDC’s technical packages to prevent or reduce violence.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Free to Learn
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Ventilation Improvements Among K-12 Public School Districts
This research report highlights how public school districts have improved building ventilation to prevent the spread of respiratory infections and keep schools safely open for in-person learning.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 19 minutes
Office of Special Education Programs: Fast Facts
This Web page contains fact sheets that summarize data collected from states about infants, children, and youth with disabilities who receive early intervention or special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Discipline Discussions: Changing Our Mindset—Discipline Inequities
Authored by Valerie Williams, the Director of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs, this blog presents data on the disproportionate impacts of disciplinary practices, such as exclusionary discipline, on students of color and students with disabilities. The post provides resources for state and local education agency leaders and educators to reduce discipline disparities and better respond to student needs.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Children and students with disabilities; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
USDA Rural Development Institutions of Higher Education Funding and Resource Guide
This funding and resource guide is designed to help colleges and universities in rural areas find federally funded low-interest loans and grants to build or improve their facilities, infrastructure, equipment, and educational programs. The guide shares a brief overview of applicable community programs, as well as relevant application details and requirements.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Estimated Engagement Time: 14 minutes
Routine Immunizations on Schedule for Everyone (RISE)
This Web page outlines the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Let’s RISE initiative, which offers strategies and resources for community leaders and health care professionals to support routine immunizations among children, teens, and adults.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
Data-Sharing Snapshots
This Web page includes findings from a 2022 study funded by the U.S. Department of Education on the ways in which state education agencies (SEAs) and state child welfare agencies exchange data about students in foster care. The website includes profiles of eight different SEAs' data-sharing practices.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Students in or formerly in foster care
Resource Type: Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Raise the Bar: Lead the World
This resource provides an overview of the U.S. Department of Education's (ED) Raise the Bar: Lead the World initiative and its role in advancing educational equity and excellence. The website shares ED's plans for supporting states, districts, and schools in achieving academic excellence, improving learning conditions, and creating pathways for global engagement.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices, Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
Dear Colleague Letter – Raise the Bar: Lead the World
This letter from the U.S. Secretary of Education outlines the U.S. Department of Education’s three key goals for advancing PreK-12 education: achieving academic excellence for all children, boldly improving learning conditions, and creating pathways for global engagement.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
Child Exploitation Resources for the K–12 Community
This infographic outlines the issue of child exploitation, describes basic steps that schools can take to identify and support students facing exploitation, and offers supplemental programs and resources.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: Federal School Safety Clearinghouse
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
Dear Colleague Letter: Leveraging Federal Funds for Teaching and Learning With Technology
This letter addresses the use of Federal funds for implementing and encouraging digital learning strategies and the use of educational technology to advance student achievement.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology
Estimated Engagement Time: 16 minutes
Fact Sheet: Biden Administration Announces COVID-19 Winter Preparedness Plan
This fact sheet shares the Biden administration's progress on making COVID-19 vaccinations, testing, and treatments widely available and accessible.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: The White House
Estimated Engagement Time: 11 minutes
Benefits of Multilingualism
This infographic highlights the cognitive, educational, sociocultural, and economic benefits of being multilingual.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 minutes
The Biden–Harris Administration Promotes Access to Early Intervention Services for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
This blog post shares the efforts the Biden administration has undertaken to promote access to early high-quality intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs
; Children and students with disabilities; Students from low-income backgrounds; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 10 minutes
Dear Colleague Letter: Using Federal Relief Funds to Enhance STEM Teaching and Learning
This Dear Colleague Letter for State and school district leaders shares how Federal education funding may be used to enhance science, technology, engineering, and math teaching and learning.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 8 minutes
Frequently Asked Questions: Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Programs and Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Programs
This FAQ sheet shares guidance on how the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund, including the American Rescue Plan ESSER Program and the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund, may be used to support school communities in response to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Safe and Healthy Environments ; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families ; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 3 hours and 12 minutes
Supporting Learning Acceleration with American Rescue Plan Funds
This guide provides key strategies that States, school districts, and schools should implement, using American Rescue Plan funds, to accelerate learning and support students’ social, emotional, and academic needs.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 11 minutes
A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities
This guide shares best practices for supporting students with disabilities in transitioning to postsecondary education or careers, and outlines requirements for transition services as set forth by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Rehabilitation Act.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 29 minutes
Long COVID under Section 504 and the IDEA: A Resource to Support Children, Students, Educators, Schools, Service Providers, and Families
This fact sheet provides information about long COVID as a disability and offers guidance on schools’ and postsecondary institutions’ responsibilities for the provision of services and reasonable accommodations for students for whom long COVID is a disability.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 16 minutes
Meals for Kids Site Finder
This online tool helps caregivers and families find free meals for their children when schools are closed, either during summer break or unexpected closures throughout the school year.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Positive, Proactive Approaches to Supporting Children with Disabilities: A Guide for Stakeholders
This guide offers evidence-based practices and resources to help early childhood and PreK-12 programs meet requirements established by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and support the social, emotional, academic, and behavioral needs of children with disabilities.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 33 minutes
Report on Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2023
This annual report shares data and historical trends on crime and safety at PreK-12 schools and postsecondary institutions nationwide.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics; U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 1 minute
Dear Colleague Letter: COVID-19 Vaccine Now Available for Children Six Months to Five Years Old
This letter shares how COVID-19 vaccines for children six months to five years old can contribute to a layered prevention strategy for maintaining safe in-person operation of schools and early childhood programs during the pandemic and includes recommendations for providers to promote vaccination among this age group.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
Dear Colleague Letter: Supporting the Social-Emotional Development and Mental Health of Young Children and Their Caregivers
This letter offers recommendations and resources for equitably supporting the mental health and social-emotional development of young children and their caregivers.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports ; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 19 minutes
Fact Sheet: Sustaining Investments in Teachers Beyond the American Rescue Plan
This fact sheet shares how American Rescue Plan investments in the teaching profession can be sustained long-term using other existing Federal resources.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 21 minutes
Resources for LGBTQI+ Students
This Web page contains resources from the U.S. Department of Education, the White House, and Federal agencies that provide guidance on supporting and protecting the rights of LGBTQI+ students.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; LGBTQIA students
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 11 minutes
Children's Social Emotional Development and Mental Health: Why Does It Matter?
This video highlights the value and impact of positive early social and emotional experiences on child development.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
Child and Adolescent Mental Health During COVID-19: Considerations for Schools and Early Childhood Providers
This brief shares findings from research on the impact of COVID-19 on child and adolescent mental health and discusses school-based strategies for addressing these impacts.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources, Innovative Spotlight
Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 20 minutes
Teacher Projections for English Learners
This fact sheet shares five-year projections of the availability of English Learner instructors throughout the United States.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
Addressing the Impact of COVID-19 on Multilingual Learners and Their Social and Emotional Well-Being
This fact sheet describes the disproportionate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on English learners and provides recommendations for creating supportive learning environments to help English learners overcome these effects.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 6 minutes
Succeeding Globally Through International Education and Engagement
This resource outlines the U.S. Department of Education’s updated strategy for improving education and preparing students to engage with the international community.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 19 minutes
From Recovery to Thriving: How the American Rescue Plan is Supporting America’s Students
This Web page shares examples of how philanthropic and summer learning communities are helping states and districts maximize the impact of American Rescue Plan funds. The Website also hosts recordings from the U.S. Department of Education's virtual summit, From Recovery to Thriving: How the American Rescue Plan is Supporting America’s Students.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Career and Technical Education: Preparing K-12 Multilingual Learners for Postsecondary Education and Careers
This infographic details the benefits of Career and Technical Education (CTE) for multilingual learners and shares strategies for expanding equitable access to CTE programs.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
Addressing Human Trafficking in America’s Schools: Staff Development Series
This professional development video series provides educators with an introduction to human trafficking, including information on how school staff can respond to suspected incidents of trafficking and how schools can protect students and prevent trafficking from occurring.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey
This Web page summarizes findings from the CDC Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey, a study on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on high school students.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
Keeping the Promise
This Website features a curated collection of Federal resources to support education providers serving Afghan students and families.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
Resources for Families
This Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Website hosts a collection of resources and tools for families to support their students at school and at home.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 minutes
Social Emotional and Behavioral Support
This Web page offers tools and resources for supporting the social, emotional, and behavioral well-being of the whole school community.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 minutes
School-Based Health Services Resources
This curated resource list provides access to Federal resources on school-based physical, social, emotional, and behavioral health supports for children, youth, and young adults.
Safe and Healthy Environments ; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families ; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Estimated Engagement Time: 37 minutes
#ARPStars Communications Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to help districts and schools communicate their progress in deploying American Rescue Plan funding to maintain safe learning environments and support students and staff.
Safe and Healthy Environments ; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families ; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 7 minutes
Letter to Educators and Parents Regarding New CDC Recommendations and their Impact on Children with Disabilities
This letter from Secretary Dr. Cardona offers clarity on recent CDC updates and provides information and resources to support school communities as they work to ensure a safe, inclusive learning environment for students with disabilities.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 18 minutes
Clean Air in Buildings Challenge: Best Practices Guide
The guide from the Environmental Protection Agency provides best practices, recommendations, and resources for improving indoor air quality in buildings to reduce the risk of the airborne spread of viruses like COVID-19.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide
This guide, available in both English and Spanish languages, offers recommendations and resources for parents and families for monitoring and supporting their child(ren) with digital learning.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology
Estimated Engagement Time: 27 minutes
School Leader Digital Learning Guide
This guide for school leaders shares digital learning principles and practices, and provides recommendations for planning, implementing, and maintaining learning programs that make use of technology and digital tools.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology
Estimated Engagement Time: 40 minutes
Teacher Digital Learning Guide
This guide for educators provides resources and recommendations for using technology and digital tools to personalize and strengthen student learning.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology
Estimated Engagement Time: 39 minutes
Technology Use With English Learners
This fact sheet for educators shares research, guiding principles, and targeted strategies for using educational technology and digital tools with English Learners.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office for English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
Disability Rights Web Page
This Web page offers information and resources on student disability rights during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
Highlights of Approved ARP ESSER Fund State Plan Investments Related to Career and Technical Education
This fact sheet highlights research on Career and Technical Education (CTE) and provides examples of how state education agencies plan to use American Rescue Plan funding to advance CTE in their state.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Innovative Spotlight; Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 10 minutes
Letter from Secretary Cardona: CDC Guidelines
This letter from Education Secretary Dr. Cardona outlines new changes in masking guidelines for schools and early childhood facilities.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 3 minutes
Behavior Management
This Web page details behavior management strategies that teachers and school staff can use to promote positive classroom behavior and school connectedness.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 minutes
Using American Rescue Plan Funds and Other Federal Supports to Address Staff Shortages
This fact sheet offers evidence-based strategies for using American Rescue Plan funds to address staff shortages and shares examples of states that have successfully employed these strategies.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
Using American Rescue Plan Funds and Other Federal Resources to Address Teacher Shortages
This fact sheet offers evidence-based strategies for using American Rescue Plan funds to address teacher shortages and shares examples of states that have successfully employed these strategies.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 4 minutes
The American Rescue Plan Act Partnership, Assistance, Transformation, and Heightened Support Resource for States
This tool provides a template for state education agencies to share their progress and best practices deploying American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds.
Safe and Healthy Environments ; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families ; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 12 minutes
Dear Colleague Letter: Supporting Afghan Children and Families
This letter shares Federal guidance and resources for state and local education agencies welcoming Afghan children and families into their communities, highlighting the need for provision of high-quality, culturally responsive educational experiences for these students.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 17 minutes
Dear Colleague Letter: Teacher and Staff Shortages and ARP ESSER Funding
In this letter, Education Secretary Dr. Cardona shares evidence-based practices for addressing teacher and staff shortages using Federal relief funds and highlights examples of how state education agencies and local school districts are implementing these practices.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 12 minutes
2022: Staying In School In-Person
This Federal resource details four important strategies for keeping schools open for in-person learning in 2022 and protecting the health and safety of students and staff: vaccination, testing programs, collaboration with local health departments, and monitoring community transmission levels.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 8 minutes
Preparedness for Child Care Providers
This free, online course by the Federal Emergency Management Agency supports childcare providers' preparedness for a variety of threats and hazards, including infectious disease outbreaks. The course includes safety considerations for child-care centers, preschools, and after-school and summer programs.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance Center
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 hours
COVID-19 Data Dashboard
Developed by the U.S. Department of Education in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this dashboard shares current COVID-19 data and the impact of COVID-19 on K-12 schools.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 minutes
Protecting Youth Mental Health: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory
In this Surgeon General's Advisory, Dr. Vivek Murthy addresses the mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and youth, discussing long-standing challenges as well as actionable steps that communities, including families and schools, can take to mitigate the effects of the pandemic and protect youth mental health.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: Office of the Surgeon General
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 33 minutes
Back-to-School Week: Safer Schools and Campuses Best Practices Clearinghouse
This presentation contains general information regarding the U.S. Department of Education's Back-to-School Week event, including daily agendas, presenter information, and topical resources spanning the 5-day event.
Safe and Healthy Environments ; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families ; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
U.S. Department of Education: Supporting Child and Student Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Mental Health Needs
This resource is intended to supplement the information in the ED COVID-19 Handbook, Volume 1: Strategies for Safely Reopening Elementary and Secondary Schools; Volume 2: Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students’ Needs; and Volume 3: Strategies for Safe Operation and Addressing the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education Students, Faculty, and Staff by providing focused information and resources to promote mental health and social and emotional well-being among students.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 hours and 50 minutes
President Biden Announces Update on Operational Planning for COVID-19 Vaccinations for Kids Ages 5-11
This fact sheet presents the Biden Administration’s announcement of a plan to ensure that, if a vaccine is authorized for children ages 5-11, it will be quickly distributed and made conveniently and equitably available to families across the country. This announcement is in anticipation of the Federal Drug Administration’s independent advisory committee meeting on October 26, 2021, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s independent advisory committee meeting on November 2-3, 2021.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: The White House
Estimated Engagement Time: 9 minutes
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Resources to Support Healthy Students
This press release celebrating National School Lunch Week during the week of October 10-16, 2021, as declared by President Biden, provides valuable resources and information to support healthy meals for students as the country works to recover from the pandemic.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Estimated Engagement Time: 5 minutes
U.S. Department of Education: Supporting and Protecting the Rights of Students at Risk of Self-Harm in the Era of COVID-19
This fact sheet provides information about Federal civil rights laws that protect students with mental health disabilities. It includes scenarios that illustrate when the U.S. Department of Education might investigate a potential violation; gives schools and postsecondary institutions a list of action steps to create an environment responsive to students with mental health disabilities; and provides educational and crisis resources for students, families, and educators.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 6 minutes
Back-to-School Week, Day 5: Equity Can’t Wait: Cultivating and Sustaining Equitable Planning and Implementation for the New School Year
These presentation materials highlight the National Center for Systemic Improvement's Thought Leader Conversation Series and accompany a presentation on the intersection of race and disability and equitable access to high-quality school experiences for Black students.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Racial/ethnic subgroups; Children and students with disabilities
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Systemic Improvement
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Back-to-School Week, Day 5: Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness
These presentation materials provide an overview of barriers facing children and youth who meet the McKinney-Vento definition of homeless and the educational rights and services for which they qualify. The presentation also shares national data on student homelessness and strategies for partnering with education staff serving as homeless liaisons to support positive student trajectories.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; Students experiencing homelessness
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Homeless Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Back-to-School Week, Day 5: Reimagining School + Community Partnerships
This presentation outlines key strategies to building more effective school-community partnerships to promote college access for historically underserved students.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, The Double Discovery Center at Columbia University
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Back-to-School Week, Day 4: Empowering the Use of Formula Grant Funds to Support Early Learning
This presentation details current historic investments in early childhood programs and shares resources to support State and local education agencies' implementation of high-quality, equity-focused early learning programs.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Back-to-School Week, Day 4: Reenergizing Systems to Support Educators
This presentation provides resources for reenergizing educators and reengaging school communities, underscoring the importance of stakeholder engagement and shared decision-making.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, State Implementation and Scaling-up of Evidence-based Practices, National Implementation Research Network, U.S. Office of Special Education Programs
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Back-to-School Week, Day 3: Supporting Our Kids’ Education: Tools to Strengthen Resident Families and Students During COVID-19 and Beyond
This presentation describes a new toolkit released by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Choice Neighborhoods Office. The toolkit provides resources for public housing authorities, housing providers, and their partners to support resident communities during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Back-to-School Week, Day 3: Engaging Multilingual Learners and Their Families
This presentation summarizes best practices in engaging and supporting English learners, their families, and their communities and shares supplemental resources to help schools implement these practices.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; English learners
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Back-to-School Week, Day 3: Addressing Student Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs
This presentation describes the importance of mental health services and a positive school climate for the whole school community, particularly in the context of stress and trauma caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The presentation also highlights implementation examples and key resources to support State initiatives.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Old Dominion University
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Back-to-School Week, Day 2: Connections Between Healthy Schools and a Healthy Climate
These presentation materials highlight the Green Ribbon Schools award and the U.S. Department of Education's role in sustainable schools, climate, and infrastructure.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Back-to-School Week, Day 2: Shared Safety – A Coordinated Strategy to Improve our Schools' Learning Environment
This presentation describes one organization's comprehensive public safety model for reducing community-based violence.
Safe and Healthy Environments; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Newark Community Street Team
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Back-to-School Week, Day 2: Safety, Privacy and Security in Technology: Fixing All Your Problems in 20 Minutes
This presentation highlights available resources to support education agencies' understanding of Federal requirements regarding online safety and security and includes information on how education stakeholders can engage in virtual learning while protecting student data and privacy.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Student Privacy Policy Office
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Back-to-School Week, Day 2: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Discuss Guidance and Resources
This presentation shares updated Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance for COVID-19 prevention in schools in the 2021-22 school year and includes resources to support schools' implementation of CDC-recommended mitigation strategies.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Back-to-School Week, Day 1: Using Data-based Individualization to Plan for and Optimize Student Learning for Back to School
This presentation provides an overview of how intensive intervention and data-based individualization can be used to optimize student learning. The materials also include resources to help educators make use of their data to inform instruction.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, National Center on Intensive Intervention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Back-to-School Week, Day 1: Promising Practices for Learning Acceleration
These presentation materials contain information on research-informed practices for accelerating student learning, such as high-dosage tutoring, project-based learning, and dual enrollment. The presentation also includes links to additional resources and practice guides from the What Works Clearinghouse.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: LGBTQ Inclusivity in Schools—A Self-Assessment Tool
This resource from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is designed to assist schools and districts in addressing the health and academic needs of LGBTQ students. This self-assessment tool was created to help school and district staff understand current policies, programs, and practices that may contribute to safe, inclusive environments where all youth can be successful.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
; LGBTQIA students
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: 27 minutes
Classroom Management Approaches
This webpage outlines classroom management approaches that may help strengthen school connectedness. Materials include example strategies, tools, and templates that school staff can use to apply these approaches in their face-to-face, virtual, or blended learning modes.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool
The Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) is an assessment tool developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in partnership with health education experts from state and local education agencies, schools, colleges and universities, and national organizations. The HECAT is aligned with the National Health Education Standards and is based on the Characteristics of Effective Health Education.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
U.S. Department of Education: Strategies for Using American Rescue Plan Funding to Address the Impact of Lost Instructional Time
This resource from the U.S. Department of Education provides information on how COVID-19 relief funds can be used to address the impact of lost instructional time as a result of the pandemic, including strategies to address student social, emotional, and academic needs; support parents and caregivers; and use of assessment data to support student learning.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 54 minutes
ED COVID-19 Handbook, Volume 1: Strategies for Safely Reopening Elementary and Secondary Schools
The U.S. Department of Education’s COVID Handbook Volume 1 focuses on ensuring the physical safety of elementary and secondary school settings. The handbook aligns with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy
Estimated Engagement Time: 46 minutes
ED COVID-19 Handbook, Volume 2: Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students’ Needs
The U.S. Department of Education’s COVID Handbook Volume 2 focuses on addressing the needs of students, including their social, emotional, academic, and other needs.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 37 minutes
ED COVID-19 Handbook, Volume 3: Strategies for Safe Operation and Addressing the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education Students, Faculty, and Staff
This resource provides guidance on addressing the needs of higher education students, faculty, and staff. Topics include physical safety, social and emotional needs, and other important supports for the higher education community.
Safe and Healthy Environments ; Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families ; Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 37 minutes
COVID Data Tracker
This COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review provides an up-to-date interpretive summary of the previous week’s key data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID Data Tracker.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs; PreK-12 Schools; Colleges and Universities
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources
Organization: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
When to Test Website: A Resource to Inform COVID Testing Plans in Schools
This Website was developed by the National Institutes of Health and some of its partners to help school districts and other organizations calculate the amount of COVID-19 testing that might be necessary, given particular circumstances. The Website also includes information about the likely cost of testing programs.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Innovative Spotlight; Best Practices; Federal Resources
Organization: Consortia for Improving Medicine with Innovation & Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Institute for Data Systems and Society, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, National Institutes of Health
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Parents for Healthy Schools
This set of resources for schools, school groups and school wellness committees from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides evidence-based strategies for encouraging parent involvement in school health. The strategies are grounded in a framework for engaging parents that includes three aspects: connecting with parents, engaging parents in school health activities and sustaining parent engagement in school health.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; PreK-12 Schools
Resource Type: Federal Resources
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Guidance Related to Child Care During COVID 19
This Web page shares strategies for reducing the risk of exposure and spread of COVID-19 in early child care and education settings.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs
Resource Type: Best Practices ; Federal Resources ; State or Local Resources
Organization: North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Estimated Engagement Time: 32 minutes
Caring for Yourself: Foundational to Caring for Others
This webinar provides an overview of chronic stress and the associated symptoms, causes and effects. Panelists spotlight one state’s approach to increasing caregiver well-being and share resources specific to early child care providers which support mindfulness and self-care.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; Early Childhood Programs
Resource Type: Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: Office of Child Care State Capacity Building Center Infant Toddler Specialist Network
Estimated Engagement Time: 10 minutes
Trauma Responsive Care: A Framework for Resilience
This webinar on the impact of trauma on children, caregivers and families highlights the value of responsive practices to support resiliency and build protective factors. Panelists further outline the implementation of trauma responsive systems in early childhood and child care programs.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs
; Students from low-income backgrounds
Resource Type: Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: Office of Child Care State Capacity Building Center Infant Toddler Specialist Network
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 31 minutes
Trauma-Responsive Care: A Framework for Resilience for Tribes
This webinar for early childhood providers offers guidance on how to identify the impact of adverse childhood experiences on children, caregivers and families; recognize the value of culturally responsive approaches to support resiliency in children, families and Indigenous communities; and understand the elements of a trauma-responsive system of care.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs
; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: Office of Child Care National Center on Tribal Early Childhood Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 16 minutes
Office of Child Care & Office of Head Start National Centers’ COVID-19 Resources for Tribal Early Care and Education Programs
This report and resource compilation is designed for early care and education programs administered by Tribal Nations, Tribal consortia, and other entities who work with Tribal child care providers, Tribal Head Start or Early Head Start programs, and Tribal Home Visiting programs. These resources support program leaders in navigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Tribal children, families, providers, staff and communities.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs
; Racial/ethnic subgroups
Resource Type: Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: Office of Child Care National Center on Tribal Early Childhood Education
Estimated Engagement Time: 12 minutes
Child Care and Development Fund Health and Safety Requirements Brief #1: Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases
This brief for Licensing and Child Care and Development Fund administrators provides an overview of national guidelines and state requirements on the prevention and control of infectious disease in child care settings. The brief supports administrators considering revisions to state standards for both licensed and license-exempt providers, and guides school and home care provider efforts to improve the health and safety of their learning environments.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs
Resource Type: Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: Office of Child Care Early Childhood Quality Assurance Center (HHS TA Center)
Estimated Engagement Time: 9 minutes
Out-of-School-Time Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery Toolkit
This toolkit for out-of-school-time programs provides program leaders with multiple resources for supporting safe and healthy environments for school-age children. The toolkit also contains a section providing guidance related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs
; Students from low-income backgrounds
Resource Type: Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: Office of Child Care National Center for Afterschool and Summer Enrichment (HHS TA Center)
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
National Center for Afterschool and Summer Enrichment Social Emotional Learning Resources
This resource toolkit for district and school leaders focuses on supporting K-12 children’s social and emotional learning during out-of-school time. This collection includes webinars, guided reflections, best practices, real-world examples and action steps to support children and staff during COVID-19.
Providing Supports to Students, Young Children, and Families
; Early Childhood Programs
; Students from low-income backgrounds
Resource Type: Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: Office of Child Care National Center for Afterschool and Summer Enrichment (HHS TA Center)
Estimated Engagement Time: 2 minutes
Resource Guide for Developing Integrated Strategies to Support the Social and Emotional Wellness of Children
This resource toolkit includes webinars, a guide, and additional articles that highlight best practices on integrating social and emotional support strategies into early child care systems to support young children during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The toolkit also provides examples of Child Care and Development Fund grantees that have leveraged partnerships and funding to support program implementation success.
Teacher, Early Childhood Provider, Faculty, and Staff Well-being, Professional Development, and Supports
; Early Childhood Programs
; Students from low-income backgrounds
Resource Type: Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: Office of Child Care Early Childhood Quality Assurance Center (HHS TA Center)
Estimated Engagement Time: Dependent on user
Perspectives from Research and Practice: Limiting COVID-19 Transmission in Child Care Programs
This webinar shares perspectives from epidemiology, state human services and health departments, and child care providers about how Rhode Island was able to limit COVID-19 transmission in child care settings. Panelists also explore strategies for minimizing transmission moving forward based on CDC guidance, state requirements, and provider experiences offering care under new protocols to keep children, families and child care staff healthy and safe.
Safe and Healthy Environments
; Early Childhood Programs
Resource Type: Federal Resources ; Technical Assistance Center Resources
Organization: Office of Childcare State Capacity Building Center (HHS TA Center)
Estimated Engagement Time: 1 hour and 24 minutes